Phiga School, at various times of the year organizes, excursions to variousplaces of importance, sends donations to Orphanage homes, organizes floats (with brass band and the school’s cadet corp. in attendance) through the principal streets of Accra. There are cultural displays etc. The school now has over two hundred (200) pupils, twenty-one members of staff, running from crèche to primary class three in two branches (Abossey Okai and Mataheko in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.

  within the past 3years, Phiga has built 3 additional classrooms to accommodate the growing population. At the old site; pupils had to learn under canopies. A new site was rented to open another branch for the school since the old-site was no longer able to house all the departments.
The school has acquired ten plots of land to continue with its expansion.

Why choose Phiga School?

  1. At Phiga we always add great value.
  2. The environment is conducive for child development.
  3. The pupil-teacher ratio (ie one teacher to 25 pupils per class.
    and 3 teachers per15 toddlers at the crèche) is the best among comparable schools.
  4. The lives of the kids before and during enrollment is a living 
    testimony to our credit.
  5. Caring staff.
  6. Rich extra curricular activities. 
  7. After school care.
  8. Moderate fees.
  9. Comfort and convenience of kids assured.
  10. Provision of Healthy Nutritional Food.
  11. Serene Environment.
  12. Sound spiritual and godly upbringing for kids irrespective 
    of race, religion and tribe etc.